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Old 02-23-2019, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by fw102807 View Post
My brain NOTHING but thinks I am indeed a young lady but my body keeps telling me else wise. I just don't know who to believe.
I'm going with NOTHING but the Brain for you and me. As of Late, Scrubbing Bubbles, The Energizer Bunny, Mrs. Nucky is slowing down a little. For the first time ever she went to bed the other night with about 10 dishes in the sink. Wow, that may not seem big but trust me it is. So instead of getting in trouble for not washing them correctly, I ran the dishwasher with the stuff in it and received Hero Status The Next Day. My Reward wasn't NOTHING it was morning Ice Cream. The Bestest.

I'm sorry I should have described The Mixer. Da, not everybody knows. NOTHING but sorry but they are out of this world.

All those things K-Man doesn't do, I doesn't do too! Yuck! The world is a better place because we don't engage in those activities!