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Old 02-23-2019, 01:04 PM
ColdNoMore ColdNoMore is offline
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Originally Posted by Jazuela View Post
See, I already know about that stuff. I'm pretty tech savvy and can take apart a component computer and put it back together with upgraded ram and a new heat sink faster than most people can.

So honestly - the things I'm asking about are very specific, for very specific reasons. What stresses me, is when people try to "help" with things I didn't ask about because it makes me feel like you're talking down to me.
You're just gonna have to learn to accept, that this is a public bulletin board and not every post/response (especially when one is the OP/thread starter) going to comport with exactly what you want.

And back to the topic, if you get lost just pull off to the side, screech your frustration at the top of your lungs and I'm sure some nice person...will be sure to stop and "help."