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Old 03-21-2019, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
FACTS ARE so easy to determine, as opposed to opinions.

FACTS are easily determined. As another poster mentioned....amazing to see a video of something and the person on the video saying he or she did not say it.

NO, IT IS INFINITELY easy to determine facts, IF we wish to.

Which brings up those that do not care about truth, the enablers if you will. THEY are truly dangerous, to everyone and everything. That belief means above TRUTH is something else driving acceptance of lies......again, as another poster mentioned......we seem to be losing sight of what truth is.

Opinions are one thing....BUT facts are facts.....I want to hear opinions , EXCEPT if you lie, you are a liar....simple as that and that, for me closes it.....why would anyone ever listen to a liar again, they are "using you" by lying....they are, in essence saying they have no respect for you, nor think you are smart enough to know they are lying. I think back to any liars I have known and I feel used by them as they "used" me to enhance themselves whether the lie made them look good or someone else look bad (another liar characteristic is to demean others)

10 Toxic People You Should Avoid Like the Plague |

To avoid being suckered by liars, do as so many have and investigate and when you find a liar shut him or her out...because acceptance makes you an enabler and part of the lie.