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Old 04-03-2019, 09:58 AM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by alwann View Post
Golf course operations are terribly expensive. Few (if any) are self-sustained from their green fees or membership fees. Our courses are amenities. They are supposed to be subsidized, and amenity fees are increasing all the time. Far be it for the developer to explain his/her logic for this golf fee increase when there are so many other ways to tweak revenues. For example, as some OPs have suggested, stop giving guests a free ride at pools and elsewhere. Smart people supposedly run the development company. They should consider other alternatives that aren't as regressive for us FROGs whom, I believe, count for most of the priority memberships as well as the off-season play. Now that the developer has taken back administration of championship golf, I wonder which one of the Morse family members has the training and qualifications to run this complicated business.
Does this mean my grandson, when he visits, will have to pay to use the pool with his guest ID
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