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Old 04-13-2019, 09:12 AM
ColdNoMore ColdNoMore is offline
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Originally Posted by Mikeod View Post
One of the attractive facets of this community is the wide spread in the price of housing. I could see where a community with homes starting in 7 figures could effectively hinder ethnic diversity. But I don’t see that here. There really is a home for everyone. Another is that I find few villagers who judge fellow residents by the house they own, or their former occupation, or their income.

The best and only way for diversity to be addressed is for the residents to continue to be welcoming, considerate, and accepting to their neighbors.

I totally concur that in a perfect world, that's the SHOULD be.

I have to admit to being shocked though, when occasionally being around a number of friends and fellow golfers in small groups, who would otherwise never publicly make such statements in larger groups, have expressed some very racist/bigoted/xenophobic/misogynistic views...when they think they're among 'like-minded' others (making the grave mistake that I'm one who shares those views).

We even see the occasional post here, of those who come right out and say that the main reason they moved specifically because of the lack of diversity.

The good news is that there's proof the younger generations have shown to be much less inclined to be this way and as our age group dies off and the "young'ins" reach retirement age...maybe things will change for the better.