Thread: Ball washers
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Old 04-16-2019, 11:44 AM
photo1902 photo1902 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dr Winston O Boogie jr View Post
Why should golf courses have to provide ball washers? I carry a large towel. I wet one end and keep the other end dry. I use the wet end to clean my ball and clubs and the dry end to dry my hands. I don't understand people that don't carry a towel and think they need a ball washer. The most important place to clean your ball is on the green. When you hit a shot into a green, it make a ball mark and usually picks up some dirt. Sometimes when you chip or putt, the ball will pick up some grass clippings so it needs to be cleaned. The idea of having ball washers on the tees is absurd.

Get a towel and be responsible for keeping your ball clean.
Then why do they go to the time and expense of installing them, if water won't be resupplied? It would be the same as going to refill your sand bottle, and the sand box is empty.