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Old 04-23-2019, 09:38 AM
thetruth thetruth is offline
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Default Read all that i have said

Originally Posted by Mikeod View Post
Hollytone was one of the fertilizers I tried. The plants seemed to go downhill soon after application. But that was before I adjusted the soil pH. I may try it again.

As I assumed, like most of us, your PH is between 7 and 8. You need to get to about 5. That is a huge change. Unless you as I suggested separate the soil you acid loving (needing) plants from the far huger volume of you existing soil it will go back to what it was. Especially because our soil has a huge quantity of limestone in it.

Hollytone, frankly few people read and follow directions. If, I recall it says like four cups to a 24 inch pot and it says to stir it into the soil. Easy enough to do when you are planting. Not so easy to do one the plant is rooted in. It can be done using a soil drill around the drip line. I use Hollytone on my blueberries because it is ok for edible crops. Since you are not growing fruit any of the organic acidic fertilizers are fine. They are not to be used on fruits as they are made from sewage sludge and likely contain stuff like arsenic, mercury etc. Aside-that is true of Michiganite that people apply to their lawns with orange trees etc growing in the same soil.