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Old 05-01-2019, 01:52 PM
queasy27 queasy27 is offline
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Default Package tracking service from Amazon

I don't know if this is a new feature or not, but I got an alert today on my Fire tablet that an Amazon order was "4 stops away." Clicking brought up a GPS map showing where the UPS truck was.

I dumbly sat and watched the moving circle for ~10 minutes as it made other drop-offs and approached my street. Heard the truck pull up and the front lanai door open and close.

Kept watching the map to see if the truck would drive away and fall off my screen, but the image changed to a DELIVERED status with a photo of the box on my porch.

Well, that was oddly satisfying!

(And I suppose useful if someone is about to leave the house, lives in a neighborhood prone to thefts, or really wants to know the second a package is delivered.)

Delivery disputes are a problem for Amazon and I thought this was a cool way to help resolve some of them.