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Old 05-05-2019, 09:13 AM
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Jayhawk Jayhawk is offline
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Based on one visit, I think these owners are going to struggle.

The counter help yesterday didn't have a clue. The brisket was cut in a large, fatty slab WITH the grain. That makes for very tough brisket. They need to cut thin AGAINST the grain. I told the owner and while he offered a replacement, he seemed surprised when I told him how to slice. The meat didn't remotely look like the pictures on their menu. He was so pre-occupied playing with his baby on the patio. When we left, he said, "how was everything"? Didn't even remember our discussion from 10 minutes earlier. The mom was in and out numerous times to play with the baby.

They need to get a babysitter and focus on the restaurant.

The kid on the serving line looked like a thug with his caps on sideways. He was training a girl and both were deer in headlights.

A customer asked for a menu and the only adult on the line said "they are over by the register. Help yourself". Required the customer to snake through the line when he could have taken 2 steps and grabbed it for her.

I really hope they succeed because I have been in other Dickey's and they are not bad. Not great but definitely acceptable. I think these kids pushed all-in before they were ready.

We'll give them another shot in a few weeks to see if they make any progress.