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Old 05-11-2019, 09:29 AM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by PennBF View Post
I did not see where my question was actually answered. This explains a lot about where Project wide gets some of it money,
(e.g. excess from prior years, working capital, etc.) however where does it identify if the park was paid for from cap'd amenity fees or from an uncaped PWAC. Some say "so what". The answer is simple. Once you open the door for using funds for one category which is under a different control and or no control you open the door to abuse. That is bad. The long response even says the maintenance fees are to keep things nice and Amenity for "fun things". The last I knew Parks are "Fun Things". If the people who wrote these rules wanted it to be discretionary they would have said so. Because the maintenance category had extra funds does not mean it is OK to charge the residents under that category as opposed to the Amenity Controlled funds. Hopefully I am wrong in the financial accountability of the Park. That would be great, however I have not seen anything that says I'm wrong even with a rereading of a prior note. The broader concern is if, and just if I am right how many other expenses are or were being charged in the Maintenance category? Another follow on question is what are the "Reserve Funds" level, how are they established, who monitors them what are the controls and are they fully funded? AAH, how problematic are finances?
I think you should go to the next PWAC meeting and ask.
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