Thread: Lovebug Plague!
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Old 05-13-2019, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by aninjamom View Post
Those who have lived in Florida most of their life claim that WD40 is actually the best thing to keep love bugs from sticking to their car. The trick is to apply it before! I must admit that I have never tried it.
I've tried it and the bugs come off a little easier but the WD40 also picks up any dirt and sand that comes up off the road.
The best product I've ever used and many motorcyclist use is to spray them with full strength hydrogen peroxide which is only 3%.
Soak them pretty good and watch it fizz. Let them soak for several minutes then they wash off easier. No, it doesn't harm the paint at all.
The big thing though is not to let them sit and bake on the finish too long or nothing makes it easy to remove them.