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Old 05-15-2019, 03:06 PM
Midnight Cowgirl Midnight Cowgirl is offline
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Originally Posted by Goldwingnut View Post
The house you built 20 years ago was sound and solid, you sold it long ago and have no financial interest, ownership rights, or ongoing responsibility in it, you receive a letter from the current owner who says the roof is leaking and they want you to pay for repairing it because you are now somehow responsible for it and have money, how do you respond? I'm not unsympathetic to the plight of the residents of this community. The issue isn't that the Developer is responsible, the issue is that the politicians running Marion county have refused to do their jobs and take care of the issues of the residents in their county.

My guess is most would toss the letter in the trash as foolish nonsense. How is the Calumet Grove sinkhole any different? Because the Developer is still around and is successful they should pay for everything that happens here in perpetuity, absolutely ridiculous.

Once again, as has been said many times, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the bridge that crosses the lake, there never has been. It is an erosion issue on the banks of the man-made island that was constructed around the center pilings. The bridge is fine and would continue to be fine even if the lake completely reclaimed the entire island. You demonstrate a lack an understanding of the structure and agreements in place that operates The Villages and the CDDs, while I am sure the residents of CDD4 would love to share the ongoing costs they are incurring because of the sink hole problem with all the other CDDs, that simply won't happen because no inter-local government agreement exist to allow that to happen. The converse is also true of costs incurred south of CR466 not being the responsibility of the northern most CDDs.

Outside of any agreed to warranty period, once the lands and properties are transferred to either the County or the CDD, the Developers involvement and responsibilities are complete. Any issues, problems, or repairs are then the responsibilities of the governing body. We the residents are that governing body through our elected representatives. It is not the Developer's responsibility to respond to or address the complaints of residents in areas of the development long ago completed and transferred to other hands. That responsibility belongs to County government, the CDDs, and in some cases the City where the residents reside.

Yes, the Evening with the Developer is basically an advertising and feel good event. They put information out that helps quell rumors and speculation about what they are doing now and sometime in the near future, most of these we all benefit from in one way or another. In my opinion, it serves a more important purpose, it lets people know that they community is still alive and growing, for what doesn't grow most assuredly dies. Yes, this is a business, their business, and yes they are in it to make a profit as is every business. Many that live among us have forgotten this fact of how the real world works now that they've retired. Unless they have an existing warranty responsibility the Developer owes us nothing that wasn't written into the the contract to purchase your home.

The Developer have proven themselves responsible stewards of the future growth of The Villages. It's not hard to see what happens when a responsible approach isn't taken, go to the Fort Myers area and drive through the Lehigh Acres development and you will see what that failure looks like. We are fortunate that this development has been so successful and continues to both grow and be run by an effective government system.

Yes, I too was disappointed with the lack of new content and information that was put out at the event. I had hoped for a lot more to be relieved but nothing was. I guess I have to just keep digging for information and seeing what I can from the air with the drone.

You have made some excellent points in your post.

I don't think anyone would agree that a 20-year old leaking roof could be compared to a sinkhole that appears years later. I am not an engineer, but I don't believe sinkholes usually appear until years later due to a number of different circumstances. From the onset of that problem in Calumet Grove, I don't recall the developer addressing the situation as being helpful to the residents who were affected. Correct me if I am wrong. And yes -- Marion County and others are part of the equation, too.

I am aware that the Morse bridge per se is not the problem, but the issue is the erosion. I guess I don't understand the structure of why only certain CDDs are responsible for paying for the repair. I would really have to be aware of and read and comprehend the agreement you have mentioned. And how would a potential buyer know about this agreement with the result being they would be held responsible for paying for this repair down the road (no pun intended)?

With the millions of people traversing this bridge on a daily basis, the average person would think as I have . . . that if the developer owns the land and the county owns the roadway, they should be responsible for the repair. My thinking is only based on logic, not a written agreement with which I am not familiar.

I vividly recall what has taken place in Lehigh Acres. I remember salespeople walking around in resort areas up north in the summertime, selling lots to the poor suckers who believed the propaganda that was told to them! Very sad.

As far as An Evening with the Developer is concerned -- it is what it is and will never change, I'm sure. I agree with you that it is designed to be a "feel good" event for residents and I think it mostly does that. Personally, I would like to glean more "meaty" information but that is not their style or intent to give.

Again -- thanks for your post.