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Old 05-19-2019, 10:01 AM
Shambles Shambles is offline
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Thanks for your comments. I owned small business for over thirty years so I can appreciate what the developers have done and continue to do here. After one "lifestyle weekend" I was sold on this place, bought a house and moved here two years ago. The Villages is expertly planned, beautifully landscaped, and meticulously maintained. I don't play golf but thoroughly enjoy the restaurants, music, and car scenes here.

I read the local forums and it seems that some people just try to THINK up stuff to complain about. Sure, there's room for improvement in some areas, but one would be hard pressed to find a better retirement community with a range of home prices and enforcement of covenants and rules. This, along with gated neighborhoods and security patrols, keeps crime low and property values high. Having always had large lots with either woods, water, or golf courses in my back yard, I was concerned about the close proximity of the houses here but this is the quietest, safest place I've ever lived. Developers, please keep up the good work!