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Old 05-31-2019, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Bucco View Post
You are correct. We have become a hate filled society, where it is now normal NOT to express what we believe in, but only to insure we identify those we hate.

I am not anti gun, but I resent the thinking that being macho is an answer. That seems to be the prevailing mood now, and frankly it will worsen...our individual psyches cannot take hate day in and day out. We are being "taught" and shown by examples each day that we should "fight fire with fire" and playing a victim is acceptable.

You mentioned young people and that is for another thread, but in any case, if you simply bring up disgust at shootings, you are assured you will be assailed and told guns don't kill people....somebody once asked...then why do killers have them ?

I have no idea of this particular motive, but you must be filled with hate to even contemplate action like this
Get people reading more books than playing video games and the like. Books usually create empathy with other people which is something that seems to be eroding in our culture. It is harder I expect to shoot someone whom you see as a person like yourself. And I believe this is drawn out in how the military used to dehumanize various "enemies' through the use of propaganda which describes other people in the most banal of ways.