Thread: CDDs and You
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Old 06-05-2019, 09:43 AM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Yes there are many other considerations. Yes, it's probably very low on the checklist. But when someone says "CDD 4 has allocated an extra 15 million dollars for this special project," I want to know the context. What comprises CDD 4? What does CDD 4 represent? Whether I'm a resident of it or not, it's still The Villages and I still have a vested interest in its successes and failures.

It's sort of like knowing the voting districts in your state. It's not necessary, and it's low on the list of priorities. But it's something that might come in handy some day when someone says "Oh yeah I live in district 3, and you know how THEY think about this topic." Knowing what comprises district 3, and knowing that they have a particular interest in certain topics, is useful.

Perhaps some of you haven't ever felt education for its own sake was important. I do. Which is why I asked the question.