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Old 06-05-2019, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Ladygolfer93 View Post
The speed of these carts is really getting out of hand. The retail places in the Villages think they are getting around this by refusing to sell carts the go over the Villages "allowed" speed. I recently found out it's not just "a little" business the loose, more and more people are buying from dealers outside the V's, so this probably does not really make a big impact. When you think about it, should it be up to the Chevy DEALER to make sure the car will not go over 70 even though the car will do close to 120 ? I just think there are people everywhere that think nothing applies to them personally IF it is not something they wish to follow. We have a large sign that says Please DO NOT place dog feces in this trash can. I mean it is summer, in Florida and some human being has to CLEAN this can, well all understand this, yet, everyday you see a person to whom this does not apply. While others are all over the place with their fast food type disposable gloves, their plastic bags of poop to carry home to dispose of at their own property, there is always someone dropping it right into the trash can for all to enjoy the aroma while lounging around the pool or postal station. It's life any where, always some special people. Same with those who will walk their dogs 2, 3 blocks away and stand in the street while they WATCH their dogs do their "duty" in someone else's lawn...then, without any shame, walk into the yard and pick up the poop (IF the home owner is lucky !), if not, they simply leave the poo ? Sure better than letting fido poo in their grass for sure ! People ? More and more I have to force myself to ignore this, with the huge population growth here, I guess the percentage of such people actually does not change, just that the development has grown so large perhaps I notice the disrespect and dangerous behavior compared to years past. Same with renters, I never used to see any difference rather a "renter" or an "owner", now, well, I don't want to seem like a negative person, so I try not to notice the rude behavior, don't want to paint every "renter" with a broad brush, but the way some of them drive the owner's golf cart, makes you wonder. Wish I did have the answers !