Thread: Fruit trees
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Old 06-10-2019, 05:04 PM
Ozzello Ozzello is offline
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Now the facts... ALL the box stores get the potted citrus from Record Buck Nursery, just south of Leesburg. A longtime and reputable grower.

There is probably another citrus tree close enough to pollenate your tree. Bees fly.

Buy a large tree( 30 gallons is best ) so you get plenty of good soil with the tree and have fruit immediately.
Get it from Home Depot or Lowes, it will have a great guarantee that way.

Have the absolute best horticulturist you can find pick your tree and plant it.
If they can't show you a couple dozen or more citrus trees they planted over the years , keep
calling landscapers, there are a few of us around that have worked in citrus nurseries, citrus groves and
took classes in high school from the real master of agriculture and horticulture in
this neck of the woods , Eddie Boston.

Oak trees, ornamental grasses on the golf courses, ponds, drainage systems, all attract rodents .. ALL the TIME
Citrus trees would only attract them to fallen fruit, that they will pick up, and leave with.

Good luck, and don't worry about the naysayers, they always speak loudly and early.

Last edited by Ozzello; 06-10-2019 at 05:18 PM.