Thread: Robostupid
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Old 06-13-2019, 06:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Jazuela View Post
So what exactly do you think the phone companies can DO about it? They have no control over the devices that I have in my house. They have no control over the computer programs I create. They have no control over the wires I attach to my phone system. They have no control over the signals I send from my programmed wired devices attached to my telephone that I bought at Best Buy and plugged into the wall jack of the home I own.

There is very little the phone company can DO about this, other than to partner with other companies that exist to monitor every signal that comes to your phone, and block those that they already know are invalid or troublesome.

The scammers and fraudsters will always be one step ahead of the game. As soon as the monitoring company catches Fraudster Joe, Scammer Sue and Hoaxer Harry will be along with five more ways to get around the block.

They can quite selling blocks of hundreds of numbers to companies so if you block that number the just go to next hundred in line to call you. But, it’s not in their interest to do that is it protect pigeons.

It s damn shame you can’t answer phone without be bombarded with sleazy sales pitches disguised which IMO only purpose is to scam the old and not so savvy victims.

If you tobacco company you don’t encourage quite smoking. Same goes for telephone companies they are the provider and could care less what the provider does with there product as long as the get paid.