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Old 06-18-2019, 06:12 AM
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Goldwingnut Goldwingnut is offline
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Interesting to say the least.
Just a few takeaways from the reading:
They list the bond cost as $184,081 per acre, in The Villages, this number is currently in the $130K range and include the dual water delivery systems and complex retention pond/water movement system. Pretty expensive bond even by our standards. I guess they have to pay for moving the same dirt around a dozen times over the last 6 months.

They spend a lot of time talking about The Villages and what it has to offer but fail to mention that Beaumont isn't a part of or have access to the social clubs, recreation centers, or golf courses.

They talk of the 18,000 acres The Villages announced as if it's next door to the property when it's 8 miles away as the crow flies, and over 10 miles drive when all the roads are final built, and that's just to the north end of the 18k acres.

The discussion of the workforce population and multi-unit housing population neglects to mention that a substantial number work for either The Villages, the District, or tenant business for the purpose of allowing their children to go to The Villages Charter Schools and have little to no interest in moving any closer. The other significant portion is the construction industry building The Villages, a large portion of these workers are well established and also not likely to move.

The hotel room discussion was interesting, no new rooms built in 12 years... Not really a need for them either as not a lot of local attractions like Orlando has, most hotel rooms in the area are used by visiting family members and potential buyers. There may be a little need for growth but likely not much.

They seem quick to beat the drum of not enough commercial growth but fail to mention the boom-and-bust market any new businesses with have to plan for and endure. While we can all agree there is a need for more and new commercial establishments, there are reasons many business don't establish here, no significant commercial/industrial enterprises (it's all retirement homes) and the cyclic nature of the population in and out of season make this a very unique market.

Slick advertising but as always, do your homework before you jump into anything.
Don Wiley
GoldWingNut (a motorcycle enthusiast not a gilded fastener)
Village of Hillsborough
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