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Old 06-26-2019, 05:32 PM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by aninjamom View Post
It has been tested and is a fact; men assume that they have the right of way over women. If walking towards a man, a woman will find herself stepping out of the way. Very seldom is it the other way around. I have encountered this myself, a guy will practically run you over if you don't move. I was actually unconscious of this most of my life until it was pointed out! Next time you are at the square or in a store, try it and see.
You contradict yourself. In your first sentence you put the burden on the man, with his assumption of his rights over women. In the very next sentence you put the burden on the woman, who takes the action in the situation.

Perhaps if it's the man who's assuming he has the right of way, it's because women keep moving to the side whenever they approach a man. Maybe if you stop moving to the side, men will stop continuing forward as if they own the space.

I only have this "problem" when I step aside. If I don't step aside, the other person does. Someone will always step aside. Sometimes it's the man, sometimes it's the woman. And sometimes, a man will hold the door for you and say something adorable like "beauty before age."