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Old 06-28-2019, 11:58 AM
NotGolfer NotGolfer is offline
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Originally Posted by Taltarzac725 View Post
Actually some of the golf cart drivers here in the Villages seem to think they are on New York City time and are very late for a date.
Then there's that.

Today however I was at the round-about at Morse and Odell and I was in the left lane to go south. When I encountered a woman, who'd clearly been to a pool (by her attire) who made her way, the wrong way on the round-about, to go west on Odell towards Hemingway. IF I had been in a hurry...she'd have been a hood ornament on my car. I looked and she wasn't street legal neither. BUT how she got out there AND also did that maneuver illegally at the circle besides---she must have had a death wish!!