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Old 07-08-2019, 04:24 PM
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Taltarzac725 Taltarzac725 is offline
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Originally Posted by eyc234 View Post
So let me get this right, if a flag is dropped on the ground while placing it one boot from the headstone of a fallen soldier makes that soldier, volunteer or family member a worthless scum. As one who has spent many days putting out flags on graves of service men and dropping a few in the process I have never been derided or shamed by others both military and civilian for this indiscretion. As the son of a career(32 yrs), Korean & 2 time Viet Nam veteran I was told more than once in my younger life that outward demonstrations of patriotism are for the people that look at them, what counts is what you believe in your heart. I do not wear a flag of any kind on my person, nor do I fly one at my home, there have been times I did not put my hand on my heart or take my hat off but I will put my love for the country and all that is good & bad on par or above anyone.

As for the millennial comment, I challenge that person to go to Walter Reed and tell the 20 yr olds in the wards there that they have not patriotism. Then explain to them how that fits in with the wounds they have and will carry for life.
Nicely put. And then there are self-serving types who throw the flag and The Bible in at every convenient but carefully orchestrated moment for no other reason than their personal gain of some kind. And if you look at their lives you will hardly believe they value either The Bible or the flag. It's just drama.

These ladies won the World Cup. Give them some room to make mistakes when all the cameras of the world are on them.

Last edited by Taltarzac725; 07-08-2019 at 04:41 PM.