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Old 07-09-2019, 05:08 PM
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I had both of my Eyes done at Lake Eye. While transporting a neighbor to his visits I overheard many people who still needed cheaters to read after getting the best and most expensive lens.

When my turn finally came up I questioned the Doctor because I had every intention of going for the $$ Top Drawer Lens $$. He said there would be a high probability that for the Computer and for Reading the Cheaters would be necessary. At that moment I remember the disappointment I felt. I wanted nothing to do with glasses anymore. I would have been furious if I paid the extra money and still had to wear the Cheaters.

I took the way that Medicare Offered and only need Cheaters sometimes. Usually, its when I don't have them with me. The Doctor actually said, Don't buy any expensive Glasses just get the Dollar Store, Walmart Cheapos. It has made things so Vivid and was so worthwhile to have the Cataracts removed. I'm grateful that my Doctor, Dr. Wherle was so skilled and such a kind person.

I think things will work out for you and you will be one Happy Customer. Talk to your Dr. about what I mention and be guided by him or her. For me being guided by other patients worked for me. Wish you The Best!