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Old 07-21-2019, 01:16 PM
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billethkid billethkid is offline
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Bring back the speed bumps.
I would like to know what the supervisors know that concludes the problem is low visibility.

As a prior post suggests. How about some numbers? Incident reports? All tunnels? Some tunnels?

I for one want to know the criteria that led to low visibility as the cause in the tunnels!

Let us not allow the spending of big dollars without justification.

In my humble opinion the problem is driver recklessness. How many gate arms are down weekly/monthly?

The biggest contributor is the pedal to the metal driving attitude and not slowing down either appropriately and in too many cases not at all.

Coming from one who walks the MMP every day and has been for the past 15 years. 15 years observation/conclusion; overwhelmingly too many driving too fast for conditions!!!!!