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Old 07-21-2019, 05:45 PM
Villageswimmer Villageswimmer is offline
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Originally Posted by Jazuela View Post
Why would you think that it wouldn't change if, as you state, you've seen it change, and have even seen it lowered (which is a change)?

Assessed property values change. That's why they do assessments every so often; to decide whether or not to change them that year, and if so, how much, in which direction (more or less).

Our property value up north was supposed to be reassessed every 10 years, OR if there needed to be a special exception (like a hurricane blew the garage away or Space Force landed a satellite in the built-in pool and melted it into what the neighbors now call Modern Art).

The last time they did an assessment of ours, they didn't include the bonus room (which is insulated and under heat, our house doesn't have central air) in the square footage, and they included a built-in pool that doesn't - and never did - exist. It also included a long strip of square footage of the side of our property, which we deeded over to the senior housing behind us and enjoy a right-of-way to it instead, since our driveway was built off of theirs, when they created the housing development back there.

Our taxes based on this assessment went up around $400. I went to the assessor's office, we duked it out for around a half hour, and our taxes went back down around $35 less than they were the year before.

Maybe I wasn’t clear. I didn’t say it wouldn’t change. I simply asked why poster said it would likely change (presumably, somehow related to the 25% increase). I have no idea and thought the poster could shed some light on her supposition.