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Old 07-25-2019, 06:52 PM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by Bjeanj View Post
Are you looking a gift horse in the mouth? Your comments sound a bit critical. Perhaps you should be in charge so only good decisions should be made.
I am being critical. It's called critical thinking. I do that.

I'm critical of anything that advertises the re-enactment of invading forces displacing and murdering residents, especially if the re-enactment is comprised primarily of people who are politically bent to vote against invading forces displacing and murdering residents

I'm also questioning the fiscal wisdom of gifting a large sum of money to a fundraising campaign that is not likely to raise the amount of money being granted. It'd be wiser, I think, to just grant that money directly to the fund.

Example: I can donate $60,000 to fund a huge carnival with vendors and clowns and facepainting for kids, that will cost $100,000 total, and ultimately bring $20,000 to help underprivileged kids go to college.


I can donate $60,000 directly to underprivileged kids, cut out the middle-man completely, and not cost a single cent, let alone the $100,000 the carnival would have cost.

If I want to help the underprivileged kids, I know where my money will go. It'll go to the kids. Not to a carnival that will only bring in $20k after all the expenses are covered.

I'll add that I have no criticism of the $1000 to the Bike heart challenge, or the $20k for the tourism website and associated expenses, or the horse-pulling contest (though I think $50k is a bit much). Those are things that will definitely help attract people from all over the state and even from other states.

I just don't think $60,000 makes much sense to fund a basketball tournament, that is supposed to benefit a scholarship fund. I think a few thousand for the tournament, and the rest as a direct donation on behalf of the tourism department to the scholarship fund would be better use of that money.

Last edited by OrangeBlossomBaby; 07-25-2019 at 07:00 PM.