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Old 07-26-2019, 07:12 AM
biker1 biker1 is offline
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You make a good point and I have wondered about this also. I believe 80% of the population of Sumter County is in The Villages. There have been approximately 2000 new homes built each year for the last decade and this translates into a steady increase in school funding without the addition of any new students (from The Villages).

Originally Posted by l2ridehd View Post
Perhaps all these grants are why they need a 25% tax increase? Maybe we should get some new people running the county. We do have a majority of the votes in Sumter county. Sumter county has had a windfall of tax revenue with a cost structure that doesn't match the revenue increase. Think schools. Most county budgets have a school budget that runs 50% of the total. Not many of us have school age children so one would think that there should never be a tax increase here. Compare Sumter county taxes with other Florida counties that do have school budgets.

What has happened here is our county elected officials have decided that they have all this money so lets spend it. oops, we need more. Time for new folks running this place that have fiscal responsibility.