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Old 07-31-2019, 08:56 AM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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There are not just two sides. Why does everyone need to think that life is always a matter of "this, or that?" There is middle ground, and there have been MANY people who have suggested a variety of middle-ground options on this and other TV-related fora.

Here's mine (again):

Make home-delivery of the weekly Rec News be available in the Daily Sun, for an added fee, collected by the Daily Sun. Make it minor - just an extra 50 cents, it won't kill anyone, it's just $26 extra per year for the privilege. For Snowbirds a seasonal subscription could be made available.

Then, add a plexiglass or acrylic-covered bulletin board to every postal station in The Villages. You can put it under the shelter next to the package delivery door. Under lock and key, like they do in most private communities that have community events. On this board you can put a quarterly Rec Center news, with a weekly "change page" to indicate which of those millions of club meetings is changing for that week. No need to reprint the whole thing every single week, if only a couple dozen of them will differ from their usual schedule. New clubs can be added to that week's page, and the next quarter, a new, updated full listing can replace the previous one.

The same thing can be done in the actual Rec Centers. In addition, any special events for that specific rec center can be featured in a dedicated spot on the bulletin board. Things like "Happy birthday to our pool manager Sue" or "The janitor thanks you all for respecting the recycle bins!" Or whatever.

IN ADDITION: make sure each of the Sales Offices has some copies of the quarterly Rec listings, and at least one copy of the weekly change sheet. They can make their own copies on demand. They can also pull it from a PDF file that's provided company-wide to anyone who wants to print it out for their clients and potential buyers.

SUMMARY: these should only be printed on demand, not in bulk. Anyone who wants them delivered should have to pay extra for them.