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Old 07-31-2019, 11:04 AM
eyc234 eyc234 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bogie Shooter View Post
This continues to make the most sense. Saves a lot of money and doesn't create another bunch of options.
BTW mine goes in the recycle bin without ever being opened.
If thousands of tee times can be scheduled weekly, an online Rec News should be a piece of cake!

It is easy to say just build it but no one has yet to ask how much that will cost. How much did it cost to develop the tee time system and maintain it? It may sound cheaper but it also could wind up costing more in the long run. The rational of "I do not use it so do away with it" is not a good litmus test for need or use of something. How about a real survey, poll or vote of Villagers with input into how they would like to proceed forward. The Daily News page is not a data base and is not user friendly.