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Old 08-06-2019, 12:59 PM
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I’m a CA transplant, from San Marcos as a matter of fact so not too far from SD. It will take a bit of adjustment on your part to the differences in climate conditions. It’s different from the low humidity levels, Santa Anas, temperature inversions and the extreme heat that can rear it’s nasty self. It’s humid, but you learn to make adjustments. You may spend a little less time outdoors from May to Sept/Oct. Outside time during that period would be better in the mornings or later in the day. Buildings and autos are air conditioned and there are plenty of indoor activities that are fun. My daughter-in-law, a FL native always reminded me that you have air conditioning everywhere here. I didn’t find days of 109-112 degrees particularly comfortable in So. CA. You adjust, make adjustments and live. Bugs, well, The Villages sprays for mosquitos. Haven’t noticed what you experienced here, but it does happen in some locations. It does take a little bit of time to acclimate and after 13 years, I still don’t like the heat...but I didn’t like the heat in SD county either. As Ted Leitner use to say, “It’s a dry heat, but so is my oven,”. ,,lolol. One thing I found interesting, the winter cold is colder than the winter cold in San Marcos... so glad I kept warm coats we had from winter visits to other parts of the country.

Gardening, well, you could consider gardening in large containers. If it’s important to you that you have an actual garden, and you need a fenced yard for that, continue to look....some might meet your needs when you actually see them.

I love it here and always have....heat, humidity, rain and all!
Namaste y'all