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Old 09-15-2019, 11:34 AM
DAVES DAVES is offline
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Default Prejudice-a misused term

Prejudice is understood to be a negative but we all do it all the time. The word is pre (before) judice (judgement) Heck you look out on a field loaded with mosquitoes and you judge with all those bugs the fishing will be great or you judge I don't want to be here.

With people it is exactly the same. One person has a nice smile and you are drawn to the them another is in pain, frowning etc and if you don't think you reject them.

Age prejudice-a rude shock to me at Mcdonalds. The zit faced kid behind the counter told me I wanted a senior coffee. Should have at least made me prove I was old enough. If, I had a bar perhaps the sign should say due to politically correct we card everyone.