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Old 09-19-2019, 05:12 AM
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Goldwingnut Goldwingnut is offline
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Having grown up on Air Force bases and listening to jet fighters take off at all hours and then living near train tracks a substantial part of my adult life it’s hard for me to objectively consider the turnpike noise level either loud or noticeable. My mental filters kick in quickly with background noise to allow me to ignore it. That’s why I asked the question in the video.

I’ve sat on the lanai at night in the summer and heard the trains roll through in Wildwood and found the sound almost comforting. Hearing a low flying plane going overhead is an intoxicating sound to my strangely formed mind. I guess I’ve a few wires crossed.
Don Wiley
GoldWingNut (a motorcycle enthusiast not a gilded fastener)
Village of Hillsborough
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