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Old 10-23-2019, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by l2ridehd View Post
I gave up a couple years ago. So much opinion vs news. Newspapers, TV, even the internet. Most things I see or read turn out to be wrong. What ever happened to reporting facts? Our forth estate has become a bunch of liars. They will take information out of contexts just to make a story and report it as fact. So sad.

I remember 60 minutes maybe 20 years ago did a story on the nuclear power industry and focused on IL power. The company did a rebuttal and showed the statements the company official made and what 60 minutes published. They would take a statement made and actually delete words from it and make a new sentence. Changing the intent 180 degrees just to make their story. I just don't get how trained reporters can do such blatant lying? They did the exact same thing to Caterpillar tractor. I thought it was just 60 minutes so stopped watching them.

But slowly learned it was all news reporting. They will show you one picture of storm damage and make you believe that it is representative of an entire area. So they have moved the lies into all areas of reporting.

There is a difference between news and opinion, and sometimes the distinction is small. All news media is guilty of this, herein lies the problem.
My problem is when we find more credibility in listening to your neighbor and pass on those lies to others, or listen to OTHERS on tv that keep those lies going.