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Old 11-23-2019, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
Your opinion is noted.

We all have culinary tastes based on the way we were raised. You feel confident and familiar with East Coast Cuisine and I feel confident and familiar with mid-American cuisine. I never, nor did anyone I knew and went to school with taste Ricotta, Bagels, Smoked Salmon, Herring, or homemade Italian "gravy" or sauce until we were in our twenties. There are things that East coast people didn't enjoy living where they lived at the time and missed out on farm cooking and wonderful fresh milk and eggs and freshly slaughtered pork and beef.. We are all different and we are all valuable and if everyone liked the same thing they would only sell vanilla ice cream.
But what I think might have been grating (sorry) on people was someone who in the past has professed not knowing about Italian cuisine stating that someone else probably would not know the difference between cottage cheese and ricotta in an Italian dish. You're coming up against a noted cuisine, from a place of not very much experience, in response to a person who wants to find the real thing. That's all. I wouldn't comment on, say, how to make a curry from scratch if I hadn't done it or researched it.

I know you are an excellent cook. I apologize. I've over-reacted to your comment.
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