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Old 11-29-2019, 10:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Topspinmo View Post
I have seen hybrid coyote several times at the big yellow church property over last few years. I seen plenty of coyotes being from the Midwest and this one much bigger and thicker than coyotes I’ve seen in pass. Use to see the fox that den under the run off spillway till the put in the cart path aNd redone it. He moved up to the retention pond drain that come off the church parking lot, but haven’t seen him last year. He or she would come out at dusk and on cold mornings sun at the edge of the retention pond. The big coyote probably got the 🦊?
Over time coyotes have cross bred with wolves and migrated east. The coyotes we often see are now much bigger than the ones we used to see many years ago. Also, the coyotes of many years ago were not pack hunters. Ever since they have had wolf genes bred into them, they have become much more dangerous as pack hunters. They send out a single smaller coyote as a scout to try to lure in house pets while the rest of the pack quietly waits nearby waiting to come in for the kill. Whenever you see a single coyote, always cautiously assume more could be close by.