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Old 12-14-2019, 08:34 PM
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Nucky Nucky is offline
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Why can't we all play nice? Loving Animals, what a perfect question really! I know your heart is in the right place so to speak.

Your question was a refresher for me. I have drastically improved and play better with others but admit that there is always room for improvement. I have a blast mixing it up with a few people. Why not, it keeps things interesting. It is much more fun to be on the defense and taking care of your own character than it is attacking other people's character especially when I have no right to do so. I prefer to be a Peace Maker instead of trying to be the troublemaker. We should all remember that a person who we attack may be taking care of a sick person, may have just experienced a major loss of some kind and is someone's Mom, Dad, Husband, Wife, Sister, Brother etc or may have just gotten a bad medical report about themselves or a loved one.

We can't all play nice, Not a chance. Countries, religions, Political Parties, Family, Marriages, Races, Children Bla Bla Bla can't get along. Why would it happen here?

I'm gonna try harder and love the way you asked your question and it is nice to meet someone so thoughtful on our Forum. Great Job you AnimalLover you! Greg Gutfeld ANIMALS are Great BIRTHDAY - YouTube