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Old 12-21-2019, 08:04 AM
Karl1948 Karl1948 is offline
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Default Great Rescue!!!

We recently widened our driveway two feet to make it easier to get our golf cart out around my pickup truck. This necessitated removing the 17-year-old paint from the existing driveway and grinding the old and new surfaces to match texture and level before applying new paint.

The original contractor did not do a satisfactory job on grinding, so we paid them for the work to date and asked Edison to quote. He wasn't super cheap, but he also was quite competitive. His team corrected the grinding job on Tuesday, put down the base primer coat on Wednesday (after having to wait for the dew and cool air to leave us) and finished the job on Friday, all during Thanksgiving week.

We are ecstatic about the appearance now. The driveway looks great and hides tire marks beautifully. I waited before posting to see about initial wear and tear, since the previous contractor's work would likely have led to paint peeling where the grinding wasn't done properly. Absolutely no problems to date.