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Old 01-09-2020, 09:32 AM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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You're getting sucked right in to this without paying attention to the numbers that are even in their own advertising blurb. Here are THEIR numbers, pulled directly from your post and from the website:

15 years ago she came up with the idea. She got a "small group of friends" to try it with her. 83% of that small group of friends are still doing it, 15 years later. Sounds great right? But here's the rest:

The program became "official" in 2014, just 6 years ago. So NO ONE who has used the program since it became official and commercialized has successfully continued it for 15 years. ZERO PERCENT.

That means of the "thousands" who are on the program, a very minute percentage of people who are using it now, have successfully continued using it for 15 years.

I'd like to see the data source that proves that ANY significant percentage of paying customers show a success rate of sustainability.

This is an incredibly limited, restricted, and strict diet. It appears to be based on caloric intake. Calories in, calories out.

The only people who can't handle sugar and flour are people with medical issues, and with people who over-eat these things. Not everyone over-eats these - you can look at all the people who are NOT obese, but consume foods containing both sugar and flour, as your proof. Like me, as one example. I'm overweight - but I've never hopped into the category of obese. My body type used to be referred to as "plump" or "curvy" back in the day. I don't waddle around, I don't have a triple chin, and I can see my toes when I look down. I wear a size 12. I eat bread almost every day. When I make my pastries I always have a few of them. I like milk chocolate, and usually have a piece or two every week.

I've actually lost 10 pounds in the 2 months I've been living here. Why? Because I was stressed previously, not getting enough exercise, not being outdoors enough, not moving as much, and eating more fast food and less whole food.

Now I get out almost every day, walk wherever and whenever I can (including 8/10th of a mile to the postal station and back if it's not raining), I'm eating more whole foods and fewer fast foods. The only things I've completely eliminated so far is pizza - something I might have once or twice in a month and certainly not enough to cause a 10-pound weight difference.

MOST people in the world are not obese. MOST people in the world eat foods containing flour, and foods containing sugar, on a weekly if not daily basis.

In fact, there are people in the world who are obese, who don't eat any flour or sugar - and they don't lose the weight.

Real actual research is likely to show you that eliminating flour and sugar from your diet is not what will lose the weight for you and if you are brought up consuming these things, it could even set you up for a relapse gain when you realize you miss these foods too much to sustain a diet that way.

Is it guaranteed that you'll fall off the diet? Nope. But that 83% only refers to the "small handful of friends" she started this journey with. I see no evidence, no science, no medical studies, no spreadsheets, that indicates that this diet has an 83% success rate.