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Old 01-09-2020, 04:08 PM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by Aces4 View Post
Thank you for providing this information. There definitely is an obese America and it’s getting worse. Thin is not a naughty word. A Dr. Gott who was featured years ago in newspaper columns encouraged the population to eliminate white flour and sugar from their diets and their health and weight would change for the better. Your author and Dr. Gott are so right! Dr. Gott also advised against white potatoes and white rice. It’s a given that exercise is important along with a healthy diet but for those whose brains are addicted to sugar, (yes there are studies proving the brain does react to sugar), this diet change can be amazing. I removed the suggested foods from my diet in mid October when I started with a cold. I didn’t add those foods back because the cold was surprisingly short, I began sleeping so much better and best of all, I was dropping weight! Twenty two pounds have disappeared since mid October and I feel terrific. Sleeping through the night is wonderful too. If we look at the generations before us, we can see the population as a whole is in trouble with weight, especially our children. A good, common sense food plan certainly can’t hurt. Btw, it takes a couple of weeks off of sugar and those two starches before you begin to feel better. Stopping sugar leaves one feeling crummy, it’s breaking an addiction. One doesn’t have to scour packaging for every bit of sugar, just avoid the sweets and white starches, food craving is gone.
Congratulations on the loss. It sounds like you were eating too many calories and not enough nutrition. You're now eating fewer calories which automatically results in a net loss. If you had cut out ANY foods with the same number of calories, you would have the same net loss of weight.

Keep in mind though - ALL fruits contain sugar. So if you want to truly "walk the walk" you'll need to eliminate all fruits. Otherwise, you're not really eliminating all sugars at all. Just refined white sugar. Which is fine - just don't fool yourself. That's when people fall off their diets and add the weight right back again.