Thread: Mold in home
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Old 01-17-2020, 09:10 AM
collie1228 collie1228 is offline
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I had a similar problem, but I started with a home mold detection kit from Amazon. I think it cost me about $30.00, and was very easy. I collected and sent six samples by mail and got the results back by email about ten days later. The results said that I did have mold in the vents, but there was no "black mold" or any other immediate health threat, although the results did say that this common mold could cause some health issues and should be removed. Only then, after I had some knowledge, did I contact a mold abatement company. They came in, did a very professional job, and in one day had removed all mold and treated the entire house (by fogging through the A/C system) to prevent future mold. I believe it was the same company, but I'm not sure. My receipts aren't close by so I can't check. As I remember, the abatement cost me around $1,200 (in 2018).