Thread: Monthly fees
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Old 01-28-2020, 11:12 AM
rustyp rustyp is offline
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Originally Posted by Nucky View Post
Thank You rustyp for that explanation. I have been fortunate enough to meet two people who were pioneers in our community. Even though an explanation several posts back gives a technicality that is informative also I'm still going to refer to this side of the tracks as The Villages.

Out of the stories I've heard about Mr. Schwartz from those he lived with in the beginning is fits in with what they have said about him for him to say "Harold Schwartz stepped up and said don't worry about the historic side I will take care of them". Wish he was still around. During the Trolley Ride that we take every year and a half we have been brought past Mr. Schwartz's first and second homes. The lady on the bus said he was forced to move to the second home. Who really knows.

A really great and early owner on Saint Andrews Blvd came out of his closing looking sad. Turns out he was about 5 feet short of property to be able to add an extra garage in a year or so after he moved into his new home. A man came over and asked him why are you so sad? This should be one of the happiest days of your life. The new owner explained his problem and the man consoled him but never revealed who he was.

The new owner was asked if he could meet at his new home then next morning at 10am and replied that he would. He wasn't moving in for a few more days. At this point he still didn't know he was speaking to Mr. Schwartz. When everyone was assembled Mr. Schwartz identified himself to Bob and asked Bob to open the garage door. When he did there was a brand new Electric Golf Cart with a Bow on it as a gift to help even the score for his disappointment. When Bob was telling me this story this manly man started to cry. He said things like this happened all the time and Mr. Schwartz did it all quietly from the goodness of his heart. I don't take this as Urban Legend, I think the source was perfect. He was a unique guy and very honorable.
I went to a memorial service maybe ten years ago for Harold at Schartz memorial park at the end of Kim Ave. There was quite a few of the original residents and friends of Harold still alive and in attendance. Many stood up and told stories akin to your Bob story. They told stories of how much Harold loved music and parties. The original town square was across from the historic side post office and was the courtyard of the now El Ranchito restaurant. Harold hired musicians to play once per week there. Folks told stories of how Harold started the lifestyle visits. He would be with friends and if they had company he would reach in his pocket, toss out a set of keys to a new manufactured home he just put up and say try it out for a couple days (free). Also was told he would ask where is the neighborhood party this week and if no one had planned one he would have it at his house. Harold insured the residents weren't going to miss a weekly party. Stories of his generosity are amazing. One of the residents at the memorial told of the family being on a budget when building Spanish Springs and Harold did not like the Square design. Story goes he chipped in a million dollars of his own money to "do it right". So when someone says what would Harold have done I can understand why they would say that. You know it is a shame that we are losing site of the history here. I have a very lengthy letter to Villages Employees when Spanish Springs was being built. It is fascinating how they had it designed. Those banners on the buildings like Citrus Exchange are all part of a fictitious story of how Spanish Springs was settled many years ago. The fountain in the square is Ponce De Leon's fountain of youth. Every building in Spanish Springs has a fictitious name, story, and family associated with it.