Thread: Newer Sections
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Old 02-06-2020, 12:33 PM
mattlongrealtor mattlongrealtor is offline
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Every district of the VCDD starts out with a 30-year bond and will be amused by every homeowner thereafter until the bond is paid. Some homeowners choose to pay it off before the 30-year bond is up, which could help in the event they were to decide they wanted to sell the property. Properties with no bond are more attractive to some buyers. But bond balance is all based on how the homeowner chooses to pay the bond.

All of the new builds will have a bond and as on January 1, 2020, will be $162.00 monthly Amenities Fee. Those homes that are in a "The Villages Community Development District (VCDD)" community will have an annual maintenance assessment fee, which "pays for the ongoing costs of maintaining the infrastructure." Properties in the "Historic" areas do not have bonds or annual maintenance assessment fees, Lake County oversees that maintenance in those neighborhoods, not the VCDD.

Every Unit within a District will have a different annual maintenance fee. You can look up maintenance assessment fees on the VCDD's website at this link (CLICK HER), but per the VCDD the maintenance fee for 2019-2020 will remain the same for all Units/Districts in 2020, with exception to District 12 is under development.

So in short, the fees, bonds, and assessments will vary based where your home is and when you bought it. If anyone has any further questions, I'd be glad to answer them or help you find out who can help answer the questions best.