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Old 02-09-2020, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Topspinmo View Post
Why do you think they put in roundabout?? So there wouldn’t be traffic light to back up traffic. Speed limit 35 MPH up to roundabout about and 20 MPH in the roundabout. IMO inexperience drivers makes the roundabout dangerous, especially the ones that stop when nothing coming and stop when their in the roundabout and bout 50 more dangerous maneuver’s.
Yes, I agree. You point out the result of poor design.

At the time the main streets were built they were built for a smaller population, lesser traffic and perhaps with no thought to what happens when you give NO alternatives to a population that ages. As TV expands and we see the unanticipated problems, there ought to be an organic response. Make adjustments, for the better. Don’t throw your hands up and say, oh, if you can no longer drive in this particular way, move!

Perhaps one can expand the number of lanes (our property taxes went up for a reason) or try to decentralize Lake Sumter Landing and any other place of congestion. But just blaming it on the inevitable is not going to help, in my opinion.