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Old 02-11-2020, 06:48 PM
NotGolfer NotGolfer is offline
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Not sure which area of T.V. you live in....a couple of years ago we had water between the laundry-room and kitchen are. The house is a Sun Kist. We have laminate flooring almost through-out. Anyway we called T.V. and asked if they put piping under-neath homes and the answer was they do not. Our issue was a pipe with our heating/air unit. This, we found out, has to have bleach poured in it regularly to clean it out. It was a process, but we had a restoration company come in to check things out. Had industrial fans for a handful of days, insurance people out as well and had to replace some of the flooring as well. That part was a DIY project but a "pain in the tush" just the same. Can't speak to what's causing your water issue but I'd really check with T.V. and maybe the restoration folks as well.