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Old 02-15-2020, 10:52 PM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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A bar of soap is good for leg cramps, never heard of it being used for RLS. As for Mercola, I highly, seriously, profoundly recommend that people not even click on that website at all, ever, not even just for ****s and giggles. It is a quack site known for pushing medical conspiracies, and the "doctor" is known for selling his own brand of overpriced alt-meds and supplements that do nothing at all in some cases - and in others, can potentially cause harm.

To wit: restless leg syndrome has NO known cause at all. It has several potential triggers, but its actual cause is not known. Mercola claims it's caused by magnesium deficiency, which of course he can cure by selling you his magnesium supplement. Meanwhile, magnesium deficiency presents with a variety of symptoms, none of which are restless leg syndrome. However muscle cramps - and tremors - are among those symptoms. RLS is a neurological disorder, not a vitamin deficiency.

If you think you might have a magnesium deficiency, you can get a lab test to find out for sure. If your doctor agrees he will probably check your potassium levels and your current meds, and then he'll make recommendations based on the results.

Taking more magnesium than you need can cause severe diarrhea, nausea, muscle weakness and fatigue. Taking TOO much more can cause death.

Again - I urge everyone to NOT consider Mercola a valid medical resource. It is not, and it can be dangerous.