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Old 02-18-2020, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by anothersteve View Post
If you have a humidistat, and you are gone for the summer, you can dial it to 60% and set the thermostat to say 76. You are really only worried about controlling the humidity in the house not trying to keep it cool. This way if the humidity goes below 60% the AC kicks on.
We have a humidistat which was already in our pre owned home. It was explained to us by Munns that the dial should be set to 60. The air conditioning will not run unless the humidity in the house goes ABOVE 60%. The house can get hot as heck but the A/C will not kick on unless the humidity is higher than 60%. Munns said it doesn't matter how hot the house gets, it is the humidity that is the problem when leaving the house uninhabited for periods of time.

When we left our home after "the season", we kept the thermostat cool setting at 83 degrees and the humidistat at 60. We left the house with those settings for 9 months at a time. Never had a mold problem and the electric bills were minimal.