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Old 02-22-2020, 07:33 AM
ColdNoMore ColdNoMore is offline
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Originally Posted by EviesGP View Post
I’m sorry, but although I agree with many here that what we have here in TV is nothing short of remarkable, I have a serious problem with this issue! We’re all fairly educated adults here, and I would think, fairly familiar with how budgeting, zoning and PLANNING goes? When all these meetings occur, and requests for building and expansions arise, the “impact” on the community and region(i.e. roads, bridges, infrastructure, utilities, schools, emergency services, etc) are all supposed to be considered and properly planned for prior to approval?! And it’s either approved, phased in, or denied altogether. To continually approve these build-outs, then suddenly come to the citizens and state that you abruptly need a significant and immediate increase to keep up with the expansions, is nothing short of incompetence! And then to add in a significant increase in your own salaries on top of that, is unconscionable! I don’t know what the relationship is with the commissioners and the builder, but I do think their actions, along with their attitudes in the meetings, emboldened them to think that this would all just wash away with time. Taking advantage of the grateful and fortunate populace that have more disposable incomes than others, and hoping they’d just keep smelling the flowers and forget about this. Well, I and many others, will not. As for the owners/family, I’m grateful for what they’ve done, and have no ill will about them making a profit. But I do think that builders should pay for the significant portion of the impact fees, as this is their project(s). They certainly can pass whatever portion of those costs onto the buyer, as that’s their right. But what’s happening now is a bit nefarious in my opinion. I will support those new candidates, and hope to send those incumbents packing. Note: I still have great respect and admiration for what Gary Morse(&co) has done, and love this place! I do have a concern about having monopolies on many of the businesses here, but that is for another topic. Cheers!
Well stated and absolutely...dead-on!

The knee-jerk reaction to blindly support Da Family on everything, and attack those who don't, even after those attacked have recognized/admitted the many things done at the heart of the problem.

Thanks for so eloquently spelling it out, even though the blindly loyal...will refuse to even recognize themselves.

Last edited by ColdNoMore; 02-22-2020 at 07:40 AM.