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Old 02-23-2020, 01:55 PM
Back9 Back9 is offline
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Default Got Air Conditioning? If you have an older AC unit (say, north of 466), you're ---'d


EPA is essentially making it illegal to use R22 refrigerant, which is what a lot of older AC units use. When you're R22 AC starts to leak, the AC contractors will probably tell you "Sorry, you have to replace your system -- that'll be $6000 please."

There must be a lot of R22 systems in TV.

The justification for this is a 70s issue called "ozone depletion", and so-called "holes in the 'ozone layer'. Well, for anyone willing to do a little critical thinking, there are a lot of "holes" in the ozone depletion argument itself. I invite you to contemplate them when informed of the cost of the new AC system you'll be forced to purchase.

Holes in the ozone argument:

1) Freon is heavier than air: how do molecules heavier than air get to 30,000 feet (the beginning of the stratosphere?

2) The "hole" in the ozone over the South Pole was "discovered" by satellites in the '80: if it was just "discovered", how do we know IT WASN'T THERE ALL ALONG ? ? ? ?

3) There is a perfectly logical reason why there is less ozone over the polar regions: THERE IS LESS SUNLIGHT THERE TO PRODUCE OZONE IN THE FIRST PLACE, especially in winter ("land of the midnight sun...") duhhh....

4) Antarctica (South Pole) has the highest average elevation of ANY continent (8000 ft): Does that have any effect on ozone quantity????? (The North Pole is all at sea level and there is no ozone "hole" there. (Why not?)

5) The offending atom is CHLORINE (!), not CFCs themselves. The argument goes that the CFCs carry CHLORINE up to the stratosphere. There are other compounds of chlorine in the atmosphere -- that's one of the things you smell when you go to the beach --> "salt water" --> i.e. sodium-chloride. Is the ocean a source of "ozone depleting" chlorine compounds?

I hope the public is beginning to see how idiotic this ozone scam-bullying is. Try getting a copy of the "paper" that started all this cr*p -- you can't, unless you pay for it.

The Ozone Scam
The Ozone Scam - YouTube

The Nonsense That is Ozone-Depletion
The Nonsense That is Ozone-Depletion by K Ring (2009)

Last edited by Back9; 02-23-2020 at 03:18 PM.