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Old 02-24-2020, 07:23 AM
biker1 biker1 is offline
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R410a systems have been around since the mid 1990s. I have had R410a systems (two different homes) for the last 16 years. Based on my homes, I could not say that the R22 systems of my older homes were any more or less reliable than the R410a systems of the last two homes. The R410a systems were much more efficient but that isn't do exclusively to the use of R410a vs. R22. I doubt there are many builders who installed R22 system over the last 10 years. The writing has been on the wall for many years so it would have been silly for any homeowner to have replaced an aging AC with an R22 system within the last 10 years or so. I don't believe any R22 systems have been available for the last 5 years. I believe typical system life is about 15 years so obviously any replacement system will be R410a.

Originally Posted by Back9 View Post
What I'm hearing is that
1) prices of R22 are now astronomical.

2) contractors are refusing to replenish or "retrofit". They're telling you to get a new system.

Note: R410 systems:
- higher pressure/more complicated mechanicals,
- lower performance, shorter life,
- higher total cost.