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Old 03-04-2020, 02:33 PM
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I received these two notices from the District office ->

Several of you have requested stock information in a pictorial format for use in your communication products with residents. Please find attached herewith the Sumter County recommended information for COVID-19. In addition, members of my senior staff, public safety and myself participated in a teleconference today with the medical team working with Sumter County Health Department Director, Dr. Zelnick. He reaffirmed that the cleaning procedures of the District were in keeping with recommended standards for this virus and affirmed that COVID-19 questions should be directed to the hot-line set up by the Florida Department of Health ph 866-799-6121. The hot-line is staffed Monday through Friday from 8am to 7pm.

basic - cover mouth when coughing, washing hands and stay at home when sick

and to the NSCUDD board ->

Thanks for hosting the emergency preparedness meeting today to discuss the District’s and Jacobs plan to provide uninterrupted utility services in the event of a major outbreak of the Coronavirus in our area. As pointed out in the update you shared with us from SCDH, the number one thing the public can do to help minimize the spread of the coronavirus is to wash their hands often.

Jacobs has a site specific Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) in place for these types of events. These plans are reviewed and updated on an annual basis, and as new situations arise. These plans are also reviewed by all staff annually and mock drills are performed to ensure staff are able to carry out their duties.

Jacobs has sufficient operating staff to cover both the potable water and wastewater operations in the event employees become sick.

Rock Raiford
Program Director | OM Services